Three new papers now in review

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Over the last month, I’ve had the pleasure of submitting three, new, first-author papers for peer review with a diverse set of co-authors.  These papers are a combination of wrapping up old projects (including the last of my Ph.D.-related work) from Alaska, and also the first of new work coming out of Greenland.  These manuscripts include unprecedented observations of tidewater glacier subglacial discharge through analysis of seismic tremor, characterization of the tremendous importance of subglacial discharge on the dynamics of adjacent tidewater glaciers and fjords in Greenland, and high-fidelity seismic monitoring of tidal and seasonal variations in iceberg calving.  This is an exciting time, and I count myself lucky to be working with an excellent group of scientists.  My teams and I are hoping for a few new C.V. line items later this year!

The papers in review are as follows:

Bartholomaus, T. C., J. M. Amundson, J. I. Walter, S. O’Neel, M. E. West, and C. F. Larsen,  Subglacial discharge at tidewater glaciers revealed by seismic tremor, Under review at Geophysical Research Letters.

Bartholomaus, T. C., C. F. Larsen, M. E. West, S. O’Neel, E. C. Pettit, and M. Truffer,  Tidal and seasonal variations in calving flux observed with passive seismology, Under review at Journal of Geophysical Research.

Bartholomaus, T.C., L. A. Stearns, D. A. Sutherland, E. L. Shroyer, J. D. Nash, R. Walker, G. Catania, D. Felikson, D. Carroll, M. J. Fried, B. Noël, M. van den Broeke, Contrasts in the response of adjacent fjords and glaciers to surface melt in western Greenland, Under review at Annals of Glaciology.